Lisbon By Design
24 de mai. de 2023
28 de mai. de 2023
For this third Lisbon By Design edition, once again hosted in the wonderful Palacete Gomes Freire, we presented a selection of four designers, very different one from each other, but whose works, at the end, create a perfect scenario of what is design today and what is the idea of design that our gallery promotes.
Without any doubt Fernando Brízio can be considered a legend in Portuguese design. He is active since the 90s, counting in his career many productions and iconic collections and some of his items belongs now to Indianapolis Museum of Arts and to Mude, Museo do Design e da Moda de Lisboa, among others. Not only he produces design pieces, he is a professor at Caldas Das Rainhas Escola de Belas-artes. For sure is conceptual design will be studied in Design History.
Then, Hamrei is one of the most recognisable signatures in collectible design, he proposes elegant yet bold pieces. You’ll be delighted by the details of the works. He graduated in architecture and worked at Pierre Yovanovitch studio before opening his own brand, and he has clearly a special eye for art that you can perceive through the aesthetic of his design.
Then we continue with André Sancho Silva, born and based in Portugal, who is a genius of experimentation: his design research explores important topics such as sustainability and recycle of materials. We got interested in his work after we saw some pieces at Galleria Rossana Orlandi in Milan, during FuoriSalone.
And the circle closes with Toni Grilo, French designer who choose Portugal as his base, since the very beginning of his career he developed a bond with the local industry, and thanks to his work he elevated Portuguese to an international scale.