13 de nov. de 2019
17 de nov. de 2019
Always looking to showcase the unprecedented, in this edition of the fair, we steped out of our comfort zone and presented for the first time at a fair a set of pieces of ethnological character, namely a group of war clubs from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries from the amazon tribes in Northern Brazil and Guyana, as well as a group of Abelan masks from New Guinea, from the first half of the 20th century.
Portuguese and International design, alongside Contemporary art, continue to constitute our “core business”. For Portuguese Design highlighted an exceptional dining table and set of chairs designed by architect Henrique Albino for Octógono in the 60s. In the remit of International Design, we showed an important and iconic chair by Shiro Kuramata — “How high the Moon”. In relation to Contemporary Art, we presented a small selection of creations from Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto as well as an unparalled piece of large dimensions from 1983 by Pedro Proença, affirming the artist’ importance in the realm of Portuguese Art.